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 单克隆抗体应对最终药物的生产,配制,递送和稳定性方面的挑战 407条(本栏目收费,不能显示细节,电话15274084725)
silicone oil interactions with proteins and mAbs,155,156 156
viscous solutions delivery using,153,154 154
primary container/closure systems,154,155 155
silicone oil interactions with proteins and mAbs,155,156 156
technical challenges for device and formulation development,154 154
DepotOne®,153,154 154
Di-2-ethylhexyl-phthalate (DEHP),121,122 122
Diafiltration unit operations,78,79 79
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC),32,33,70,136 136
Diffusion coefficient,169 169
3;4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA),56,58 58
Dityrosine,56,58 58
Dosage form assessment—solid vs. liquid dosage forms,93,103 103
Drug product (DP),2,139,140 140
large-scale pumps in,78 78
Drug substance (DS),2 2
Drug antibody ratio (DAR),193,194 194
Dynamic light scattering (DLS),32,168 168
DLS interaction parameter,172,174 174
Einstein’s equation,143,145 145
Electrophoretic methods CE,23,24 24
isoelectric focusing,22,23 23
of TMVP and r-TMVP,23 23
MCE,24 24
native PAGE,22 22
reduced and nonreduced sodium dodecyl sulfate electrophoresis,21,22 22
Enhanze™,148,150 150
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA),36 36
Epoetin® (EPO),159 159
Erythropoietin (EPO),157 157
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