关键字: 类型:
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 单克隆抗体应对最终药物的生产,配制,递送和稳定性方面的挑战 407条(本栏目收费,不能显示细节,电话15274084725)
Microflow digital imaging (MDI),34 34
Microfluidic rheometry,167 167
Modified Mooney equation,171 171
Modulated DSC,32,33 33
monoclonal antibodies (mAbs),2,3,12,14,17,45,93,131,193 193
ADCs,193,194 194
aggregation and viscosity,178,181 181
analytical methods for evaluation biophysical methods,29,34 34
chromatographic methods,17,21 21
electrophoretic methods,21,24 24
methods to particulates evaluation,34 34
potency assays,35,37 37
spectroscopic methods,24,29 29
buffers for pH control,107 107
ionic strength,108,110 110
surface-active agents,110,111 111
surfactants,110,111 111
tonicity modifiers,108,110 110
particulates evaluation methods in formulations,34 34
protein therapeutics mAbs as,3 3
protein/mAb stability,121,127 127
stabilizers,112 112
caveats,115,117 117
lyophilization formulation development,112,114 114
Protein protein interactions (PPI),139 139
net charge impact vs. localized surface charge distribution,178,179 179
aggregation and viscosity of mAbs,178,181 181
nondissociable soluble aggregates of mAb1,181 181
viscosity dependence on,171,175 175
Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA),157 157
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