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 抗衰老药物 648条(本栏目收费,不能显示细节,电话15274084725)
senolytics, 6 6
short peptides regulate gene expression cellular and molecular mechanism, 507–509 509
on gene expression, 503–504 504
immune and antioxidant systems, 501–503 503
isolated peptide complexes,498–500 500
peptide bioregulators, 504–507 507
short synthetic peptides,500–501 501
signaling pathways, 250–255 255
sirtuin longevity pathway, 273–275 275
sirtuins, 190 190
cambinol, 310–312 312
in cancer cells, 299–301 301
derivatives, 308 308
and hallmarks of cancer,301–306 306
human sirtuins, 317–318 318
indole derivatives, 313–314 314
nicotidamine, 306–308 308
inflamm-aging, 209 209
inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD),402–403 403
insulin–IGF1 pathway, 40–41 41
insulin signaling pathway, 251–252 252
ischemic heart disease (IHD), 504 504
L’ Albert moderne, 36 36
lifespan-extending effect antioxidant therapy, 191–200 200
food shortage, 39 39
insulin–IGF1 pathway, 40–41 41
rapamycin, 355–359 359
resveratrol, 329–331, 331–332,332–333 333
STACs, 275–278 278
LipoFishins (LFs) E-JUR-94013 (DefenVid®),124–126 126
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