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 无菌药品:制剂,包装,制造和质量  1065条(本栏目收费,不能显示细节,电话15274084725)
Syringe filling machine (INOVA),285 285
Syringe plunger rods,33 33
Syringes,31,34,75 75
diagrammatic model presentation,32 32
earliest,6 6
siliconization of,34 34
Syringe with needle guard,33 33
Teflon R ,83 83
Terminal sterilization,192,261,265 265
Tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA),165 165
Test method parameters,462 462
The Danner process,76 76
The Derjaguin Verwey Landau and Overbeek(DVLO) theory,123 123
The European Commission’s Good Manufacturing Practice Guidelines,197 197
The European Pharmacopeia,221 221
The Food and Drug Administration,134 134
The United States Pharmacopeia (USP),2,73,197 197
The water attack test,74 74
Therapeutic peptides,12 12
Three-bucket sanitizing system,198 198
Threshold pyrogenic dose,420,428 428
Thrombosis,484 484
Tissue plasminogen activator,96 96
Titanium oxides,73 73
Tobramycin,489 489
Tonicity agents,4,69 69
Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) therapy,16 16
products,16 16
Tracer detection method,462 462
Training qualification of product inspectors,334,335 335
相关链接:国家药品监督管理局| 国家中医药管理局| SDA药品评审中心| 医加医疗器械| 膏药生产厂家| 爱视立眼贴
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