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 中药抗生素耐药细菌的天然替代品 444条(本栏目收费,不能显示细节,电话15274084725)
treatment of, 65, 101 101
Havel, Vaclav, 106 106
Healing Power of Grapefruit Seed, The (book), 44 44
Henson, Jim, 2 2
Herbal Materia Medica (book), 90 90
Herbal medicines, making/using alcohol tinctures, 90-92 92
children's ailments, common, 100-105 105
decoctions, 87-88 88
essential oils, 97-100 100
infusions, 85-87 87
oil infusions, 92-95 95
overview, 85, 86 86
steams, 89 89
washes, 89 89
whole herbs, using, 95-97 97
HerbaJ Oil for Skin Infections, 93 93
Herbal Tonic Therapies (book), 55 55
Herbs, antibacterial effectiveness of, 66 66
listed, 63-64 64
spice blends, 65-66 66
top 15, listed, 20 20
Herbs, for the immune system ashwagandha, 69-71 71
astragalus, 71 -73 73
boneset, 74-76 76
red root, 77-78 78
Siberian ginseng, 79-80 80
Honey, wildflower about, 47-48 48
alternatives to, 50 50
as alternative to aloe, 25 25
preparation/dosage, 49 49
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