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 临床试验药物安全性 1506条(本栏目收费,不能显示细节,电话15274084725)
Form 483 notice,722,724 724
meeting types,800,801 801
on adverse events that appear irrelevant to the study drug,541,542 542
in approving a drug,808 808
in assessing causality,525 525
in evaluating adverse events,518,519 519
Black box warning,694,695 695
Blinding,134,135 135
allocation concealment versus blinding,137,139 139
bias sources,135,136 136
overview,142,144 144
Reck schema,53,54 54
Blood brain barrier,627 627
Blumenschein schema,45,46 46
Boceprevir,79,440,441,639 639
for hepatitis C virus,78,79 79
Bonomi study,463,464 464
Brand names,708,710 710
Corroborative treatment effect,247,248 248
adverse event classification,495,496 496
CIOMS I form,543,544 544
Coyne study,675,676 676
C-reactive protein (CRP)biochemistry,394,397 397
biomarker applications atherosclerosis,398,400 400
overview,394,418,419 419
Crohn’s disease,24 24
C-reactive protein levels,390 390
health-related quality of life,473 473
immune response,615,616 616
CTCAE dictionary adverse event severity grading,530,532 532
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