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 抗菌、抗真菌、抗寄生虫和抗病毒药物 42503条(本栏目收费,不能显示细节,电话15274084725)
artesunate and chlorproguanil, 1758–1759 1759
chlorproguanil, 1749, 1755, 1758–1759 1759
clofazimine, 1755 1755
epiroprim, 1757 1757
leucovorin, 1761 1761
pyrimethamine. See Pyrimethamine-dapsone 0
rifampicin, 1756–1757 1757
trimethoprim, 1746 1746
cross-sensitivity with sulfonamides, 1753–1754 1754
desensitization, 1754 1754
protein binding, 879, 882–883 883
relationship to surotomycin, 944 944
resistance and cross-resistance, 871–872 872
combination therapy-related, 873 873
emergence, prediction of, 883 883
emerging during therapy, 872–873 873
mechanisms of, 872 872
therapeutic drug monitoring, 882 882
tolerance, 872 872
Darunavir, 4125–4141 4141
administration mode, 4127–4128 4128
adverse reactions and toxicity, 4130, 4133–4134 4134
chemical structure, 4125, 4125f 4125
clinical use, HIV-1 virus infection, 4134–4138 4138
dolutegravir versus, 4276–4277, 4276f 4276
in pediatric patients, 4138 4138
as postexposure prophylaxis, 4138 4138
in pregnancy and lactation, 4137–4138 4138
salvage regimens, 4137 4137
simplification strategy, 4138 4138
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