关键字: 类型:
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  
butalbital and caffeine capsules, 596   596  
butalbital and caffeine tablets, 597   597  
and caffeine tablets, 44   44  
capsules, 36   36  
pseudoephedrine, capsules containing at least three of the following, 45   45  
containing at least three of the following, 47   47  
following, 49   49  
least three of the following, 51   51  
tablets, 53   53  
and codeine phosphate capsules, 55   55  
and codeine phosphate oral solution, 56   56  
and codeine phosphate oral suspension,57   57  
and codeine phosphate tablets, 59   59  
solution, 60   60  
and diphenhydramine citrate tablets, 61   61  
pseudoephedrine hydrochloride tablets,63   63  
and hydrocodone bitartrate tablets, 2053   2053  
dichloralphenazone capsules, 2251   2251  
and oxycodone capsules, 3107   3107  
and oxycodone tablets, 3108   3108  
and pentazocine tablets, 3221   3221  
and pseudoephedrine hydrochloride tablets, 64   64  
oral solution, 37   37  
for effervescent oral solution, 37   37  
suppositories, 38   38  
oral suspension, 39   39  
tablets, 39   39  
extended-release tablets, 40   40  
suspension, 4157   4157  
Acetanilide, 5664   5664  
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