Tyrosine Metabolism
Tyrosine is produced in cells by hydroxylating (via phenylalanine hydroxylase) the essential amino acid phenylalanine. Half of the phenylalanine required goes into the production of tyrosine; if the diet is rich in tyrosine itself, the requirements for phenylalanine are reduced by about 50%. Phenylalanine hydroxylase is a mixed-function oxygenase: one atom of oxygen is incorporated into water and the other into the hydroxyl of tyrosine. The reductant is the tetrahydrofolate-related cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin, which is maintained in the reduced state by the NADH-dependent enzyme dihydropteridine reductase (DHPR). The catabolism of tyrosine starts with an α-ketoglutarate dependent transamination through the tyrosine transaminase, which generates p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate. The next oxidation step is catalyzed by p-hydroxylphenylpyruvate-dioxygenase and generates homogentisate (2,5-dihydroxyphenyl-1-acetate). In order to split the aromatic ring of homogentisate, a further dioxygenase, homogentistate-oxygenase is required. Through this reaction, maleylacetoacetate is created. Fumarylacetate is then generated by maleylacetoacetate-cis-trans-isomerase through rotation of the carboxyl group created from the hydroxyl group via oxidation. This cis-trans-isomerase contains glutathione as a coenzyme. Fumarylacetoacetate is finally split into acetoactate and fumarate via fumarylacetoacetate-hydrolase through the addition of a water molecule. Thereby fumarate (also a metabolite of the citric acid cycle) and acetoacetate (3-ketobutyroate) are liberated. Acetoacetate is a ketone body, which is activated with succinyl-CoA, and thereafter it can be converted into acetyl-CoA which in turn can be oxidized by the citric acid cycle or be used for fatty acid synthesis.
SMPDB ID代谢物id代谢物的名字
SMP0000006 PW_C001147 Vanylglycol
SMP0000006 PW_C000764 Pyrocatechol
SMP0000006 PW_C001081 Guaiacol
SMP0000006 PW_C007226 Topaquinone
SMP0000006 PW_C003007 2-Hydroxy-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propenoic acid
SMP0000006 PW_C009794 Iron
SMP0000006 PW_C000074 Homovanillic acid
SMP0000006 PW_C001029 3,4-Dihydroxybenzeneacetic acid
SMP0000006 PW_C001969 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylacetaldehyde
SMP0000006 PW_C000015 3-Methoxytyramine
SMP0000006 PW_C000222 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylglycol
SMP0000006 PW_C000197 Vanillylmandelic acid
SMP0000006 PW_C040034 Hydrogen Ion
SMP0000006 PW_C001144 NADH
SMP0000006 PW_C001240 3,4-Dihydroxymandelic acid
SMP0000006 PW_C000721 NAD
SMP0000006 PW_C002041 3-Methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycolaldehyde
SMP0000006 PW_C002043 Metanephrine
SMP0000006 PW_C000108 Methylamine
SMP0000006 PW_C000964 FAD
SMP0000006 PW_C001783 Hydrogen peroxide
SMP0000006 PW_C000035 Ammonia
SMP0000006 PW_C002683 3,4-Dihydroxymandelaldehyde
SMP0000006 PW_C000048 Epinephrine
SMP0000006 PW_C000749 S-Adenosylhomocysteine
SMP0000006 PW_C000921 S-Adenosylmethionine
SMP0000006 PW_C000654 Normetanephrine
SMP0000006 PW_C009795 Zinc
SMP0000006 PW_C000968 5,6-Dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid
SMP0000006 PW_C002045 Melanin
SMP0000006 PW_C002926 Indole-5,6-quinone
SMP0000006 PW_C002040 5,6-Dihydroxyindole
SMP0000006 PW_C001105 L-Dopachrome
SMP0000006 PW_C002044 Leucodopachrome
SMP0000006 PW_C000952 Dopaquinone
SMP0000006 PW_C001541 4a-Hydroxytetrahydrobiopterin
SMP0000006 PW_C000019 Tetrahydrobiopterin
SMP0000006 PW_C000117 L-Dopa
SMP0000006 PW_C008525 Pyrroloquinoline quinone
SMP0000006 PW_C000977 Dehydroascorbic acid
SMP0000006 PW_C000142 Norepinephrine
SMP0000006 PW_C000031 Ascorbic acid
SMP0000006 PW_C000514 Copper
SMP0000006 PW_C000052 Dopamine
SMP0000006 PW_C000146 NADPH
SMP0000006 PW_C000013 p-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid
SMP0000006 PW_C000143 NADP
SMP0000006 PW_C000423 Magnesium
SMP0000006 PW_C000353 Calcium
SMP0000006 PW_C000088 Fumaric acid
SMP0000006 PW_C000042 Acetoacetic acid
SMP0000006 PW_C001420 Water
SMP0000006 PW_C000981 4-Fumarylacetoacetic acid
SMP0000006 PW_C001376 Maleylacetoacetic acid
SMP0000006 PW_C008133 Fe3+
SMP0000006 PW_C001316 Carbon dioxide
SMP0000006 PW_C000084 Homogentisic acid
SMP0000006 PW_C001065 Oxygen
SMP0000006 PW_C000148 Oxalacetic acid
SMP0000006 PW_C000123 L-Aspartic acid
SMP0000006 PW_C001148 Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate
SMP0000006 PW_C000095 L-Glutamic acid
SMP0000006 PW_C000558 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid
SMP0000006 PW_C000134 Oxoglutaric acid
SMP0000006 PW_C000103 L-Tyrosine
SMP0000006 PW_C002411 Homovanillin
SMP0000006 PW_C000210 Tyramine


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