Aquatic foods
Abalone, is a common name for any of a group of small to very large edible sea snails, marine gastropod molluscs in the family Haliotidae. Other common names are ear shells, sea ears, as well as muttonfish or muttonshells in Australia, ormer in Great Britain, perlemoen and venus's-ears in South Africa in New Zealand. The family Haliotidae contains only one genus, Haliotis. That genus contains about four to seven subgenera. The number of species recognized worldwide ranges between 30 and 130 with over 230 species-level taxa described. The most comprehensive treatment of the family considers 56 species valid, with 18 additional subspecies. The shells of abalones have a low and open spiral structure, and are characterized by several open respiratory pores in a row near the shell's outer edge. The thick inner layer of the shell is composed of nacre or mother-of-pearl, which in many species is highly iridescent, giving rise to a range of strong and changeable colors, which make the shells attractive to humans as decorative objects, jewelry, and as a source of colorful mother-of-pearl. The flesh of abalones is widely considered to be a desirable food, and is consumed raw or cooked in a variety of different dishes.
Sodium, Na Alcoholic beverage, distilled, all (gin, rum, vodka, whiskey) 86 proof --1 mg/100g
Potassium, K Alcoholic beverage, distilled, all (gin, rum, vodka, whiskey) 86 proof --2 mg/100g
Phosphorus, P Alcoholic beverage, distilled, all (gin, rum, vodka, whiskey) 86 proof --4 mg/100g
Iron, Fe Alcoholic beverage, distilled, all (gin, rum, vodka, whiskey) 86 proof --0.04 mg/100g
Water Alcoholic beverage, distilled, all (gin, rum, vodka, whiskey) 86 proof --63900 mg/100g
Alcohol, ethyl Alcoholic beverage, distilled, all (gin, rum, vodka, whiskey) 86 proof --36000 mg/100g
Vitamin B-6 Alcoholic beverage, distilled, all (gin, rum, vodka, whiskey) 100 proof --0.001 mg/100g
Niacin Alcoholic beverage, distilled, all (gin, rum, vodka, whiskey) 100 proof --0.013 mg/100g
Riboflavin Alcoholic beverage, distilled, all (gin, rum, vodka, whiskey) 100 proof --0.004 mg/100g
Thiamin Alcoholic beverage, distilled, all (gin, rum, vodka, whiskey) 100 proof --0.006 mg/100g
Manganese, Mn Alcoholic beverage, distilled, all (gin, rum, vodka, whiskey) 100 proof --0.018 mg/100g
Copper, Cu Alcoholic beverage, distilled, all (gin, rum, vodka, whiskey) 100 proof --0.021 mg/100g
Zinc, Zn Alcoholic beverage, distilled, all (gin, rum, vodka, whiskey) 100 proof --0.04 mg/100g
Sodium, Na Alcoholic beverage, distilled, all (gin, rum, vodka, whiskey) 100 proof --1 mg/100g
Potassium, K Alcoholic beverage, distilled, all (gin, rum, vodka, whiskey) 100 proof --2 mg/100g
Phosphorus, P Alcoholic beverage, distilled, all (gin, rum, vodka, whiskey) 100 proof --4 mg/100g
Iron, Fe Alcoholic beverage, distilled, all (gin, rum, vodka, whiskey) 100 proof --0.04 mg/100g
Water Alcoholic beverage, distilled, all (gin, rum, vodka, whiskey) 100 proof --57500 mg/100g
Alcohol, ethyl Alcoholic beverage, distilled, all (gin, rum, vodka, whiskey) 100 proof --42500 mg/100g
Vitamin B-6 Alcoholic beverage, distilled, all (gin, rum, vodka, whiskey) 94 proof --0.001 mg/100g


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