关键字: 类型:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
 药物开发过程:提高效率和成本效益 328条(本栏目收费,不能显示细节,电话13136136841)
support of Phase II and III trials, 395-400 400
testing in Europe, 379-420 420
Clinical pharmacology, 267-270, 296  296
Clinical trials, 10, 32  32
Compressible sugar, 122 122
Computer-aided drug design (CADD), 204-215 215
definition, 204 204
drug discovery, 209-210 210
future of, 213 213
requirements, 210-213 213
techniques, 205-209 209
Computer assisted product license applications (CAPLAs), 437, 438  438
Computer Optimized Parametric Analysis of Chemical Toxicity (COMPACT), 223 223
Concentration dose, 21 21
measurements, 21 21
serum, 21 21
Continuous reassessment method (CRM), 288 288
Contract Research Organization (CRO), 13, 14, 84, 317-334, 340-351 351
advantages of, 322 322
definition, 341 341
disadvantages of, 322-323 323
evaluating the need for, 323 323
evaluation of, 333 333
factors affecting success with, 345 345
process of contracting out to, 323-326 326
project implementation with, 346-351 351
rationale for using, 343-344 344
selection, 326-330 330
Customer intimacy, 41 41
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