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 植物药物分析薄层色谱法 3625条(本栏目收费,不能显示细节,电话15274084725)
sulfonamides 0
Bacillus subtilis, 437 437
Streptomyces, 437 437
Streptomyces hygroscopicus, 437 437
purification, newly discovered antibiotics, 440 440
quinolones, 428-430 430
Chlamydia, 429 429
Mycoplasma, 429 429
[Antibiotics] 0
Staphylococcus aureus, 429 429
retention behavior, 441 441
stability, breakdown products of, 440 440
Stibella flavipes, 440 440
Streptosporangium roseum, 440 440
sulfonamides, 432-437 437
polyethers, 437 437
tetracyclines, 426-428 428
thin-layer chromatography of antibiotics, 418-439 439
viral replication, nucleic acid analogs halting,418 418
Anticircular development, 25 25
Apparatus, gradient, 155-158 158
for achieving mobile-phase gradient, 156-157 157
for achieving stationary-phase gradients, 157-158 158
Application of spots, 19-20 20
Arctostaphylos uva ursi, 554 554
Arnebia densiftora, 721 721
Ascorbic acid, 601-604 604
Ashwaganda, 548 548
Aspergillus, 975, 979 979
Aspergillus flavus, 969 969
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