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 药剂学药物的设计和制造 2836条(本栏目收费,不能显示细节,电话15274084725)
Wecobee bases, 373 373
Weight 0
body, dosage determination and, 64 64
of capsules, variation of, 253–254 254
Vincaleukoblastine, discovery, 8 8
Vincristine, sources, 38 38
Viral vaccines, 583–585 585
Viscosity 0
definition, 615 615
measurement, in rheology, 452 452
of ophthalmic preparations,615–616 616
in rheology, 452 452
of suspensions, 449 449
temperature and, 615 615
case studies, 502–505 505
definition, 446 446
desirable features, 455 455
dispersed phase, physical features,450–451 451
dispersion medium for, 451–452,452c–456c 456
drug interactions with, 495 495
extemporaneous compounding,458–459 459
flocculated, 451 451
injectable, 458 458
ophthalmic 0
administration, 617–618, 618t–619t 619
for contact lens use, 621–622 622
drug delivery from, 606–607 607
Spatulation, in powder blending,223–225, 224–225 225
Specialized transport mechanisms,171–172 172
Spirits, 767 767
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